"I'm Plum Tuckered Out!"
I actually worked today after approximately 2 months off. Amazing how sitting at a computer for four hours will wear you out...
Just want to give a "shout out" to Northwestern University Health Services. (Yes, I said, "Shout Out". Yes, I am tired.) They rock. When my sorry-excuse-for-a-family-practitioner supposedly lost my immunization records, NU came through for me, and sent my records with lightning speed. Did I say they rock? I would name my first born after them, but then, it's a little late for that.
(Note: The reason I so desperately needed said records is because I can't register for classes without them, unless I convert to a religion that forbids immunizations, or feign an affiliation with such a religion. And... since I am really too busy to convert, and have an over-active conscience that keeps me from successfully lying without losing months of sleep, I needed those records. And that is why NU rocks. Go Cats! )
Let's see? What else is new?
Um... pollen sucks.
The pollen count today where I live was: VERY HIGH.
They actually have an alert system somewhat similar to the Gov't Alert system.
(I pay more attention to the Allergy Alert. Truly.)
(I pay more attention to the Allergy Alert. Truly.)
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Oops, sorry! I sneezed and bumped the keyboard.
1 comment(s):
Hi. I put interview questions for you in my blog comments. You can find them here:
Anonymous, at
4:42 PM
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