Sorting Laundry

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Things I Learned On My First Day Back to School.

1) My school (which shall remain nameless) is not Northwestern.

2) While my Honda Civic is a cute little college girl car, the carseat and Cheerios explosion in the backseat is a dead giveaway - I'm not a cute little college girl. I am someone's mommy posing as a cute little college girl.

Which leads me to number three...

3) I am old.

Okay, so technically, 28 is not that old. However, when you are sitting in a class of 18-19 year-olds, 28 is ancient.

4) I wasn't as grown up as I thought I was at 18.

5) Did I already say it's not Northwestern? The girls actually bring their handbags* to class. Whatever happened to college students carrying backpacks/bookbags? Am I the only one who finds this strange?

6) Even though I tried to dress "casual", I still ended up over-dressed. Since I wasn't wearing a sorority t-shirt and shorts with my 28-year-old gluteus maximus on the verge of escape, I really did not "fit in".

*I would say "purse", but a gentleman, who will remain nameless, drilled it into my head that "the proper term is handbag, especially when you've spent $150 USD on buying one." Snob.

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